Sunday, June 30, 2013

Jogyesa Temple

After perusing Insadong we went to the Kybo book store to find some good reading material. Then we walked over to the Jogyesa Temple.


A new day to trek out and explore Seoul. this time we go to Insadong for some shopping. The girls have become quite the little shoppers. Amelia and Emma comparing prices of the souvenirs they want before buying. Arts and craft items to be found throughout the shops here.
Emma bought a painting. The artist posed for a picture with her. Amelia tries on the hanbok Jeniffer bought for her.

After Suwon

After visiting the Korean Folk Village, we made our way back to Itaewon on a long and crowded subway ride. We went to our rooms to freshen up then we planned to go to Jonny Dumpling for dinner. In 2008, Bill, Louis and I tried this place. It was great, inexpensive and great tasting dumplings. This time in our walk around Itaewon we noticed a second Jonny Dumpling on the street behind the Hamilton Hotel. We were disappointed to find that both had long lines out the door of people waiting to get in. There are so many night clubs in Itaewon now attracting huge crowds. Many restaurants fill up fast on weekends. We ended up going to Taco Bell and having bulgolgi tacos. I like these better than anything else at Taco Bell. But, I had my heart set on dumplings.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Suwon Folk Village

There is information about the Korean Folk Village in Suwon here. The rail station stop in Suwon is under AK Plaza, a shopping mall. Tourist Information Center is outside the plaza, next to the street. A short walk away is the free shuttle bus to take you to the village.

Trip to Suwon Folk Village

Started another day with a quick breakfast at Mc Donalds then hit the subway. We are heading to Suwon to catch a bus to the Folk Village. My MetroHD app gave us the subway directions. We made our transfer to Line 1 ok, but then I noticed that the map shows a fork in the line at Guro station. I remember from previous trips that which train you catch on some platforms. As it turns out we caught the one going on the route to Incheon. We got off at Guro Station, asked around and figured out which train goes to Suwon. Throughout our journey the kids have adapted well to subway travel.

Buson Galbi

Walking all day left us feeling tired and hungry. We decided to go out for kalbi. It was our treat to Jennifer for her birthday, which was the day before, when we were flying. There used be a reastaurant called Itaewon Galbi right behind the Hamilton Hotel.  There is now just a shell of the building. Looks like there may have been a fire. Definitely some reconstruction going on.
We went next door to Busan Galbi. It has an open air dining area on the seccond floor. Very nice wood and brick deccor. The beef is grilled over a pot of hot coals at your table. Each table has a vent duct right over where the coals sit. After feasting we went walking around Itaewon for more shopping then back to the hotel to crash 'til the next day.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Gyeongbokgung Palace

We watched the changing of the guard before taking a tour of Gyeongbokgang Palace.

Day 1

After a good night sleep, we are ready to explore. First a quick breakfast then of to Namdaemun. A little shopping at the market and see the gate, then off to Gyeongbokgung Palace.

Thursday, June 27, 2013


After a long flight, we are now in Itaewon. Bryan, Emma and Amelia adapted to the long flight very well. Checked in to the Hamilton, went to McDonalds for a quick snack and now were ready for sleep.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Today, we start our family vacation at the airport on our way to South Korea. We are all excited.